Eva’s Story
Dr Eva Balan-Vnuk accidentally landed in the tech industry when she did an internship with Microsoft in Vienna, Austria. More than 20 years later, as SA Government’s Chief Information Officer, she leads a team that provides whole of government ICT, cybersecurity and digital strategy and services, and is also Founder of HerTechPath.
My Tech Path
I always knew I wanted to have a job working with people and on my dad’s advice I did a marketing degree which I really enjoyed. My first job after graduating was as a marketing intern with Microsoft in Vienna, Austria.
After my intern role with Microsoft in Vienna, I had a regional role with MSN (Microsoft’s online division) covering Central Europe, Middle East and Africa, and then moved to Singapore with responsibility for Asia. I then moved back to Adelaide to do Honours and Doctor of Philosophy of innovation and entrepreneurship, and then rejoined Microsoft in Adelaide becoming State Director for Microsoft South Australia.
I have stayed in tech throughout my career because I can see the value and impact that technology has on every aspect of our lives.
In 2018 I joined SA Government as Government Chief Information Officer and led my team of 140+ people to support the government’s response to COVID-19 with solutions including the Covid Safe Check-in, Home Quarantine and Border Crossing apps.
My role has continued to stay interesting and challenging due to the ever-changing business and technology environment. Our latest threat is keeping SA secure from the increasing number and sophistication of cyber attacks, and our latest opportunity is to identify how South Australia can best adopt and use Artificial Intelligence tools and solutions to benefit our community and economy.
I was one of the inaugural women to join SA’s Gender Chiefs for Equity in 2016 and served on the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee. I currently serve on the Board of Novita Services Ltd, I am a Trustee of the History Trust of South Australia and Founder and Company Secretary for HerTechPath Limited since 2016.
The best advice I’ve received
Don’t take things personally, you never know what someone else is going through
– from my wise Grandma who taught me the importance of kindness and compassion to others. “Leaders cast long shadows” was a reminder from one of my all-time best managers, Brian Kealey, that I’m on show all the time, and that I need to bring the energy and role model the behaviour that’s expected of leaders.
What would you tell your 15 year old self?
I’d love to tell my 15 year old self to be less worried and insecure about what others think about what I say and how I look. Also adults don’t have all the answers so be more courageous in putting my ideas out there!